Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why It Hurts So Much and How I/Runners Will Get Through It

I've never added a post on here that didn't involve dessert or food. So, please, allow me the indulgence of getting something off my mind and on "paper." I'd like to write about the events from yesterday. And if no one reads it, that's ok. At least I know I've put it out there.
Thanks for the allowance.

Why It Hurts So Much and How I/Runners Will Get Through It
I am painfully saddened about the events from the 2013 Boston Marathon. Why is this tragedy hurting me so much?

It’s because I am a runner.
I am a marathoner.

3 times over.
I have devoted hours of training to be able to have fun, do my best, and finish a race.
I’ve passed on social engagements so I could get enough sleep to wake up refreshed in the early mornings to pound the pavement.
I’ve cheered for fellow runners.
I’ve cheered a lot.
I’ve seen the countenance of my parent’s faces change into ones of pure joy and fulfillment when they’ve spotted me amidst the thousands of runners passing by.
I’ve given thumbs up to spectators because I liked their enthusiasm, their posters, their costumes.
I’ve run for charity and I’ve given to people’s campaigns for their run for charities.
I’ve inspired runners and have had them inspire me countlessly.
I’ve made long lasting friendships over an early morning run.
I’ve finished races hand in hand with friends.
I’ve felt like I solved all my problems during a 10 mile run.

I’ve grinned through clenched teeth at the photographers on the course.
I’ve had spectators cheer me on while I hobbled up a hill.
I’ve had injuries.
I’ve had races I’ve trained for closed due to seriously bad weather.
I’ve had the need to use the restroom overtake all other senses of my body.
I’ve had tears come into my eyes as I realized my personal record would not be achievable this time around and yet I kept running/walking to the end through the pain.
I’ve been badly sun burnt.
I’ve been stung by bugs.
I’ve eaten bugs that have flown into my mouth.
I’ve used porta potties that even skunks would turn their noses up at and run away from.
I’ve looked less than glamorous.
I’ve had cramps.
I’ve had aches.
I’ve had pains.

But I’ve never had a thought about never running again. And no matter how sad the Boston Marathon events have made me, I plan to take a deep breath, clench my teeth, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Because as a runner, I know that’s what I’m made of and what will be my recovery.


  1. Hi Erika,

    I felt lots of pains too hearing this news...

    You know what? This sick idea of bombing a marathon event will never stop me from running...


  2. Totally agree with Zoe!

    My heart goes out to the victims and survivors of the tragedy and to their families.

    Let's keep running... Erika.


Thanks for taking time to leave a message! xo - EB